Sitting down this cold winters morning I was thinking (as usual) about the possibilities of the aerial photography/drone industry and where it could further assist people and companies not just here in Utah but nationwide.
The conclusion I came up with that it is practically limitless. With that in mind, why aren't more companies using drones to boost their bottom line?
The answer is multi-faceted...

As you see above in a chart provided by #Skyward, the percentage of drone services adoption within industry is still far below the capabilities they can provide. Within Utah this is no exception. Most industries I have dealt with over the past several years have stated that they currently do not see a cost benefit to hiring an aerial photographer or drone operator.

The graph above shows what is most commonly stated when talking to those companies that are not currently employing any type of drone program. Graph provided by #Skyward.
The final graph clearly shows what are the main concerns by companies and business that haven't employed a drone company or employed a drone operator within their ranks. Each of the reasons given below are exactly what Falcon View Imagery provides to our customers...Without exception!

As a Utah business owner it is my duty to keep up on all regulations and laws and ensure that all policies and procedures are followed so you don't have to. With these two areas being the highest concerns of companies that stop them from using drones, the solution looks easy. Likewise, being concerned where drones can operate #4, is also lumped under regulations and laws that Falcon View Imagery and any legal drone operating company will be following.
The third concern down, "obtaining access to controlled airspace quickly" has always been a challenge until recently. It used to take upwards of 90 days to obtain a temporary airspace waiver from the FAA before being allowed to fly. Now in many areas, an instant (in many cases) airspace flight waiver can be obtained through the newly implemented Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability system (L.A.A.N.C.). I will talk more about this in a later Blog.
To wrap up, Falcon View Imagery is here to take the risk and uncertainty out of obtaining aerial imagery and support for any size company or business; from Home Owner Associations, to Realtors, Contractors, and even City Governments. Please reach out and give us a call of visit one of our social media sites to find out more on how we can support you.
Images courtesy of State of Drones in Big Business by Skyward